
部门 must be authorized by Business Affairs to accept cash and/or 检查 on 代表学院. 这项授权必须在接受资金之前授予 or planning events in which cash receipting will be necessary at a location other 比商务办公室.

Each department or unit is responsible for the 基金s it receives for the College. Cash receipts must be officially recorded either by cash register or in official pre-numbered 收到书. 所有支票的抬头必须是“十大彩票平台”.“检查 should not be made payable to departments, department heads or any College officials 或者指定员工的名字. 如果收到的支票与收款人不符 designated but yet deemed acceptable for deposit to EGSC, they should be appropriately endorsed as payable to EGSC so that they can be properly deposited to the credit of 学院由商务办公室. EGSC不接受柜台支票或第三方支票 检查.

Cash receipts should never be used as a means of “petty cash” to purchase items. 建立了 必须利用采购程序.


必须按照在 学生手册 (PDF).


Funds received by departments or units of the College in Swainsboro should be deposited on a daily basis in the EGSC 业务办公室 located in the Student Services Complex, or into the appropriate banking institution in Statesboro and/or Augusta.

As a general rule, all 基金s received by a department or unit should be deposited no later than the next business day following the date of receipts. 为实例 in which a unit receives small amounts of cash or 检查 (totaling less than $25) which would not warrant a daily trip to the 业务办公室, the 基金s may be held 不超过五个工作日. 各部门/单位必须建立操作程序 to ensure compliance with the daily or weekly deposit requirements.



A Deposit Transmittal Form should be used as a transmittal sheet for deposits. 的 Deposit Transmittal Form should include the receipt numbers, the date of the deposit, the source of the 基金s and the total 基金s included in the deposit. 押金是 to be balanced to the cash, 检查 and charge card slips attached to the Transmittal Form. 的 Transmittal Form should be signed by the individual responsible for the 收集部门/单位的现金收入.

Receipt books are to be used for all receipting and the forms are to be distributed as follows: the original is to go to the Payer, the second copy is to be attached to the Deposit Transmittal Form and the third copy is to remain in the receipt book 这样收款的历史数字就能保持完整. 收银员会保持 a log of 收到书 and can identify the user department by the receipt numbers. When all the available receipts have been used in a receipt book, the completed receipt 这本书必须归还商务办公室. 可以取得新的收据簿 在商务办公室.


Department heads should make certain that proper safe-keeping facilities are available and that proper safeguards are taken to protect College 基金s until they are appropriately 存放在商务办公室或其他指定的地方. 应付现金或支票 不应透过校园邮件传送给学院. 员工人数 having access to monies stored in a department or unit should be limited. 现金应该 不能让他过夜不安全. 如果在正常情况下有大量的钱在手 business hours, arrangements should be made for use of the night depository located 在商务办公室. 应该派一名公共安全官员去运送 将存款存入商务办公室内适当的安全地点.


As a convenience to faculty and staff, the 业务办公室 provides check cashing 为EGSC员工提供最高25美元的特权. 例外:商务办公室职员 will not be allowed to cash personal 检查 在商务办公室.

    1. 员工 may cash one personal check per week up to $25 at the 业务办公室 counter. (Note: payroll or reimbursement 检查 will not be cashed at the 业务办公室 counter.)
    2. 的 业务办公室 maintains a complete record of all returned 检查 written by 员工.
    3. Returned 检查 are handled through the procedure established in the 商务政策和程序手册 (PDF).




    1. 现金必须放在上锁的抽屉或箱子里. 抽屉或箱子的钥匙 must be held by the custodian, with a spare key held by the department head for emergency 目的.
    2. For scheduled absences, the 基金s must be counted by the temporary custodian in the presence of the authorized custodian before the leave period begins. 对于计划外 absences (when the 基金 is greater 超过200美元), the 基金s must be counted by the temporary custodian in the presence of the department head when the leave period begins and 在资金以任何方式使用之前. 必须进行类似的现金计数 将现金归还给授权保管人. 部门应该保管现金 在进行下一次现金盘点之前进行盘点核实.
    3. Unannounced cash counts will be performed at least monthly when the 基金 is greater 超过200美元. 的 department head should designate a person in the department to perform 现金盘点,最好不是每次都是同一个人. 个人不应该 有其他途径获得现金吗. 资金也受到未公布的计数 商务副总裁或其指定人员.
    4. Cash on hand plus non-reimbursed amounts should always equal the total amount of the 基金. If an overage or shortage exists, the information must be provided to the Business 办公室立即并在下次报销中进行调整.
    5. Once a reimbursement is made to replenish the 基金s, the 业务办公室 can cash 正确背书的支票. 对于较大的补偿,具体的货币面额 可否在接到商务办事处通知后安排. 
    6. If changes to the established amounts become necessary, a new establishment form must 提交时注意到当前零用现金基金的存在.
    7. Personal 检查 cannot be cashed or advances should not be made out of departmental 零用现金(业务部零用现金除外).


    1. Funds should be counted by the authorized custodian in the presence of the department 主管或商务代表. 在授权托管人缺席的情况下, the department head may designate another employee to perform the count. 基金将 be receipted by the 业务办公室 and the department will receive an original receipt 他们的档案. Termination of the 基金s will be noted on the original establishment 表格和复印件将通过邮件发送.
    2. If there is evidence of repeated violations of the procedures for handling petty cash 基金s or if there are repeated cash shortages, the 基金 will be terminated by the 业务办公室.