

In order to provide effective and efficient communication to 十大彩票平台 (EGSC) faculty, staff and students for campus events and 问题 that are critical and non-critical, the college utilizes various notification systems. 下面列出的 学院目前使用的系统是:

    • 黑板上连接 -处理校园重大事件/紧急事件
    • 联邦信号警报器系统 – for events/问题 at Swainsboro campus that are critical/emergencies
    • 君主广播消息 -校园活动/事宜(i.e.(新生迎新)非紧急情况 在自然界中
    • 猫鼬节奏短信系统 – for two-way campus communications that are non-emergency 在自然界中.


The purpose/scope of this document is to provide 信息 about each texting/voice 学院使用的信息系统. 该信息包括目的 the system, permissible use of the system, method used to inform employees and students of the availability of the system and subscribing instructions, the unit/staff responsible 用于系统和成本的相关信息.



This system is utilized to inform EGSC faculty, staff and students of EGSC campus 紧急情况,如恶劣天气导致校园关闭. 可以发送消息 通过电话、短信和电子邮件.


This system is used only to send notifications for campus events/问题 that are critical/emergencies and/or to send timely warning and to the emergency notification system as required 《十大彩票游戏平台》和《EGSC年度安全法案 & 消防安全报告.”


EGSC学生可透过 网上新生介绍. 学生将自动订阅/选择使用该服务. 如何操作的信息 to unsubscribe from the service and/or make changes to student contact 信息 in the service is included in the ConnectED portion of the 网上新生介绍 在 我们网站上的连接信息页面.

EGSC faculty and staff are informed of the ConnectED service via the EGSC online HR Training and Staff Development modules, specifically via the EGSC Employee Handbook 以及通过十大彩票平台的EGSC应急响应挂图. EGSC的教职员工是自动的 透过他们的电子邮件地址订购这项服务. 教职员工信息 staff on how to add phone and/or text messaging contact numbers to the service is 可在 我们网站上的连接信息页面.


Due to the required interface with the BANNER system, 信息技术 (IT) is the primary unit responsible for the management of the system. 的通知 delivery, staff members in 机构发展 and the 警察局 provide 支援/辅助资讯科技人员.


The cost of the system is included in the 信息技术 budget and renews 每年10月. 该系统的成本包括无限制的消息传递.



This system is utilized to inform EGSC faculty, staff and students of EGSC campus emergencies, such as inclement weather or Police emergencies at the Swainsboro campus. 可以发送消息 via a computer terminal in the 警察局 (PD).


This system is used only to send notifications for campus events/问题 that are critical/emergencies.


The system is an outdoor siren and loudspeaker, so no subscribing is necessary. 报道 每个方向离扬声器大约1.5英里.


Because the system only has one terminal, located in the 警察局, EGSC Police (PD) is the primary unit responsible for the management of the system.


The cost of the system is included in the 信息技术 (IT) budget and renews 每年. 该系统的成本包括无限制的消息传递.



与学生就各种问题进行沟通(例如.e.校园具体活动; 文件丢失,迎新会,开放日等等.). EGSC工作人员发送语音留言 通知已确定的学生群体.


The system is primarily used to inform students regarding student affairs related 问题. 其他院系也有资格使用这项服务.e. AAMI, 商务办公、市场营销等.).


呼叫由实际的EGSC电话号码拨打. 必须生成一个学生列表 发送方以excel CSV格式发送. 一旦名单上传到君主 广播系统,自动录制信息. 从那里,发送者选择 要发送的消息的日期和时间. 调用完成后,一个活动 报告通过电子邮件发送给单位协调员.


Associate Vice President for 十大彩票平台 and 招收ment Management, Director of East 乔治亚州立大学十大彩票游戏平台分校,和/或招生主任. 成本:向前发展, 系统的成本将来自一个预算(IT). 钱可以加到账户里 “根据需要”.”



This system is utilized by all EGSC campuses to conduct two-way communications between EGSC units and stakeholders to efficiently convey relevant 信息 such as financial aid deadlines, academic advising, college activities, events, housing and scholarship 信息. The text can be targeted to a broad audience or specific 在自然界中 to 一人(i).e.,遗失文件要求). 家长,未来的学生,校友 and other stakeholders may also be communicated with through this service.


EGSC departments will use this system to engage in non-emergency, two-way communication with targeted audiences (current students, prospective students, parents, clubs, alumni, 等.)使用适当的沟通模板和回应. 活动报告将 be generated as needed and for annual assessment of the system’s value.


A list of mobile numbers generated from Argos, or other College sponsored databases, will be uploaded into the Mongoose Cadence system via an excel CSV file by each administrative 用户. The 用户 is then able to send a text message to the mobile numbers that have 下载到Mongoose Cadence平台. 其他利益相关者 numbers are not downloaded may also communicate with a 用户 by texting the 用户’s 分配猫鼬节奏编号. EGSC学生被告知猫鼬节奏 系统服务 网上新生介绍. Any individual who no longer wishes to receive texts may opt-out at any time by requesting via text or by texting STOP to the 用户’s specific Mongoose Cadence number.


General oversight is provided by the Director of EGSC-Statesboro, who will collaborate with the Associate Vice President for 十大彩票平台 and 招收ment Management, Director of 十大彩票平台 – Augusta, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, and Director of 招生 to ensure proper usage of the system by each unit/department 并确保每个学期都提供培训. 单位/部门会有各种各样的 分配的管理用户和非管理用户. 管理用户是 defined as team leaders that will manage the success of the tool and provide functional 支持. They can import and export student data, create and manage Mongoose 用户 accounts, monitor platform usage, and initiate larger-scale text message campaigns. Non-管理用户是 defined as staff members who will actively text, manage everyday touchpoints and communications, and build relationships with students. 一些 Units/部门 will have Administrative Users who take on the responsibility of 非管理员用户. 每个用户必须完成猫鼬节奏训练和 Policy Acknowledgement form (attached) that must be renewed each semester following 每学期系统培训. 用户主管和斯泰茨伯勒egsc主任 每学期是否会批准确认表. 任何未完成的用户 the semesterly training will have their Mongoose account disabled until the training 完成.


The cost of the system will be included in the 信息技术 budget and is 每年更新. 
